Jenga Biashara Account

This account is tailored to provide low-cost banking services to micro customers while ensuring convenience, affordability and simplicity.

Target Market
Micro entrepreneurs such as retailers, grocers, salons, boutiques, chemists etc.

Why choose Jenga Biashara Account

  • <p>Access to loans to grow your business</p>

    Access to loans to grow your business

  • <p>24/7 Banking with Natmobile</p>

    24/7 Banking with Natmobile

  • <p>Negotiated Fx conversion rates</p>

    Negotiated Fx conversion rates

  • <p>Free monthly E-statement</p>

    Free monthly E-statement

  • <p>Real-time Lipa na Mpesa settlements</p>

    Real-time Lipa na Mpesa settlements

What is required

  • Copy of National ID and PIN
  • If registered, business registration certificate

 Rates and Fees

  • Opening Balance of Kes. 1000.00
  • Zero Operating Balance
  • No service and ledgers fees

Interested in Jenga Biashara Account or have a question?

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