Agricultural Products

    • Crop Insurance

      Crop All Risks Insurance

      Provides insurance cover for loss in all commercial field and tree crops arising from:

      • Hailstorm, Fire, Drought, Frost damage, Excessive Rainfall, Lightening, Flooding and specified uncontrollable diseases
      • 60 days on farm storage loss (only for farms above 200 acres)
      • Green House Insurance

        Horticulture farming requires large capital input, high technology and knowledgeable labour per unit area of land compared to ordinary farming. Insurance companies consider the following factors when insuring greenhouses:

        • Number of greenhouses and their size
        • Age of structures
        • Type and quality of equipment used in constructing the greenhouse
        • Type of crops grown
        • Loss history/loss experience

        Risks insured include

        • Crop damage as a result of climate risks
        • Greenhouse structure and irrigation equipment against the risk of fire and special perils
        • Livestock Insurance

          Livestock insurance provides cover against the risk of death, theft or sickness of animals as a result of an insured peril.

          Main features

          Cover may be arranged on:

          1. Multi-peril basis covering death or loss of livestock due to:

          • Accidental & Diseases
          • Emergency slaughter
          • Theft by use of force
          • Calving complications

          2. Index based livestock insurance covering loss or death of livestock due to drought. This product is tailored for the arid and semi-arid regions.

          • Pet Insurance

            Pet insurance pays, partly or in total, for veterinary treatment of the insured person's ill or injured pet. Pets that can be insured include dogs, cats and horses though more exotic species of animal can obtain coverage.

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  • USD: Buying: 125.50 , Selling: 131.00
  • EURO: Buying: 123.95 , Selling: 142.40
  • GBP: Buying: 149.65 , Selling: 170.86
  • Canadian Dollar: Buying: 85.87 , Selling: 100.27
  • Australian Dollar: Buying: 76.32 , Selling: 89.78
  • Swiss Franc: Buying: 133.80 , Selling: 153.95
  • Japanese Yen: Buying: 0.7750 , Selling: 0.9425
  • Swedish Kroner: Buying: 8.295 , Selling: 14.80
  • Norwegian Kroner: Buying: 8.7680 , Selling: 14.6130
  • Danish Kroner: Buying: 15.3015 , Selling: 19.5324
  • Indian Rupee: Buying: 1.2590 , Selling: 1.7511
  • Tanzanian Shillings: Buying: 0.441 , Selling: 0.0555
  • Uganda Shillings: Buying: 0.0301 , Selling: 0.4141
  • SA Rand: Buying: 5.15 , Selling: 9.39
  • Chinese Yuan: Buying: 17.1900 , Selling: 19.5700
  • UAE Dirham: Buying: 31.6079 , Selling: 38.6659
  • RWF: Buying: 0.0860 , Selling: 0.1317